It’s Official: I Enjoy Broccoli More Than ANY Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Diet or Not

broccoli over ben and jerrys

My favorite food on the planet is ice cream.  I would be majorly obese were it not for DQ Dilly Bars and Blizzards, but there are other ice cream brands that do nothing for me.  One of those is Ben and Jerry’s

While there are fanatics who swear Ben and Jerry’s is God’s gift to ice cream, I have always found their “kitchen sink” approach of tons of add-ins and typically high % of calories from fat to be too much of  a good thing.  It’s like a slice of pizza with 6x thicker crust, and cheese.  It’s overkill, even for an ice cream lover like me.

ben and jerrys pizza

If Ben and Jerry made pizza

I’ve been saying this for years and even blogged about our brand specific cravings here:

What Ice Cream Can Teach You About Obesity, Food Addiction and More

But I continued to eat Ben and Jerry’s occasionally, because I happen to live with two zealots who drink the Ben and Jerry’s Kool-Aid.  But, that all changed last weekend.  I decided to finish off the rare scraps at the bottom of a ravaged pint of the Peanut Butter Half Baked Flavor.  Now before I go on, consider these facts:  It’s ice cream and I love every single ingredient listed on the label.  Aaaand, let’s eat!:

The first bite tasted like big clumps of refined and brown sugar mixed in thick congealed cream.  WTF?  This is premium ice cream?  It has cookie dough for Christ sakes. I eat BOWLS OF COOKIE DOUGH — it had to be something on my spoon.  I took another bite – spit it out and put the container away.    I wanted to eat more food, so I thought for a moment and said, “you know what sounds good right now, broccoli!”  I grabbed a big handful and enjoyed every bite of it.

That was a big moment to me, and could be for you as well.   Seven years ago I would have polished off the Ben and Jerry’s just because it had the words Ice Cream on the carton, and I was “off my diet” so you gotta eat stuff like that.  The thought of raw broccoli would have digusted me.

But now, it’s official.  Thanks 100% to EET’s Timing Guidelines including absolutely no forbidden foods or portions, after seven years I can truly, astonishingly say I enjoy broccoli more than ANY variety of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream (I’ve tried a bunch, I will try no more).

Do YOU love ice cream?  All ice cream or just certain ice creams?  How is that possible when they’re all made of the same basic ingredients — The answer is because you crave eating things that taste good (preferably great) to you, ingredients be damned.  And EET Fitness offers a way to help you learn to manage and even CHANGE what you crave and what tastes great to you to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals!

There’s a lot of lasting weight loss and fitness in that concept for you, if you’re open minded enough to accept it, and willing to learn how to apply it.


go easy fitness cover Boot camp

We are in the process of getting some reviews of our new fitness book, and have already gotten some great and helpful feedback we’ll share soon!

Those interested can now also take a  “look inside” on Amazon HERE –you can read the intro and contents and get a feel for the book.  If you do buy it and it’s not formatted well on your device, shoot us an email at and we can send you the PDF at no extra cost of course.

More about Go Easy Fitness coming soon.


giant donut 2015 after


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