WHENpower vs WILLpower for Eating Giant Malt Balls and Weight Loss on an Unrestricted Diet


I tell people (and teach clients) to NEVER rely on willpower to stay with your weight loss plan.  It can be a confusing concept for lifelong dieters who are sure they have to suffer and sacrifice to reach their  goals, so I’m always looking for good examples to help explain it, and I just thought of a new one:

Use WHENpower instead!

Last night provided a great example, so I though I’d share it:

As you can see from the pic above, we’ve got a little candy in the house these days, and about 11 O’clock last night, when this picture was taken, a massive craving for those mega giant malt balls came calling my name.  The cocoa powdered almonds and chocolate covered pretzels also chimed in.

Here was my thought process from start to finish – for a beginner in the world of timing these thoughts focusing on time can take a few minutes and be tedious — for me after 7 years these thoughts flashed through my mind in a few seconds:

Thought 1 “I’m REALLY craving those giant malt balls!”

Thought 2 “Well don’t fight the craving–that will end in disaster!  But, before you dive in, ask yourself if will it be worth it to eat them right now (current time frame) and start your new week off (focus on different time frame) with additional weight gain by changing your timing plan?”

Thought 3 “Why yes! It actually does feel like it would be worth it at the moment. I can make adjustments through the week to make up for the weight gain”

Thought 4 “Okay, if you need it, eat it and be happy! How many can you enjoy and be satisfied without feeling horribly guilty for eating them at this unplanned time?”

Thought 5 “3-4 is probably what I’d eat, but I can’t kid myself and say they would satisfy me. Candy never does — It’s always a “road to nowhere for me”.  I eat some, enjoy the taste, and then just want some more.”

That last thought immediately lessened the craving.  I can eat that candy (or anything else) whenever I want, in whatever portion I want. My diet plan is completely unrestricted. However in the end, this TIME,  I didn’t truly WANT the candy.

I was simply mistaking an old habit “hey, there’s candy in the house, I should eat it whenever an urge hits!” with actually WANTING to find the best times to enjoy some candy while managing my weight, fitness and health.

By thinking about WHEN I would enjoy the candy the most, while realizing eating a few pieces wouldn’t satisfy me, and eating a ton of it would actually make me miserable on many levels at 11 oclock last night, I didn’t need a strong WILL to pass on it.  I just realized I didn’t truly want it—-at that time.

I used WHENpower instead of WILLpower.

But let’s be clear: I’ll be eating that candy (if my wife doesn’t get to it first!)  It’s just a matter of WHEN I’ll be enjoying it most!

So, what have we learned here about WHENpower vs WILLpower?  I’ll share three answers that I’ve found to be true after 7 years of focusing on WHEN vs WILL:

  1. I’m enjoying the anticipation of the candy I’ll be eating soon right now.
  2. I’ll actually enjoy eating the candy in about 3 hours.
  3. Sometimes the answer to when is EAT IT NOW!  And that’s fine!! I always enjoy the thought that I can eat candy whenever I WANT it, I just need to practice identifying when I truly want it and can enjoy it most in the context of my weekly timing plan for weight loss and fitness vs a random impulse to just eat it that will be anything but enjoyable or satisfying.

I’ll also add the built in motivation to bring exercise timing into my plan without forcing myself to exercise.  I know awesome candy is waiting on the other side of the workout, and I want to prime my metabolism for it, but that’s another discussion about WHENpower for another day.

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved

10 Year Study: Restrictive Diet to Normal Body Weight For Obesity <1%. 300,000 People! Class Action Lawsuit Coming?

obesity results table 2 10000 study

A new July 2015 study covering 10 years and nearly 300,000 people has a message straight from Hollywood for weight loss and fitness professionals who rave about their success stories of creating “lifestyle change” by recommending their overweight and obese clients attempt to follow restrictive diets or forced exercise:

The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end…

—Maximus, from Gladiator

Let’s go ahead and add the music for dramatic effect:

Table 2  below should be a required disclosure given to every person with a BMI over 25 before being allowed to enroll in weight loss or fitness program.  

obesity results table 2 10000 study

“Table 2 shows the frequency of transitioning to normal body weight during up to 9.9 years follow-up after the first BMI record. During a maximum of 9 years’ follow-up, 1283 men and 2245 women (out of 278,982) attained normal body weight records.”

Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records American Jrnl of Public Health July 2015


Success Rate Calculation:

3528 total of those achieving normal body weight / 278,982 total in study = 1.2%

But a more careful reading of the study shows that 1.2% success rate is likely WAY too high–back to table two:

obesity results table 2 10000 study

Look again at the reality of how few achieved a normal body weight DURING the 10 year period.  Now consider that there’s no info confirming that weight STAYED OFF.

Table 2 shows the frequency of transitioning to normal body weight during up to 9.9 years follow-up…

There is no mention of confirming the normal body weight was sustained. 

While it’s never directly stated (purposely?), here’s the smoking gun that the study is only tracking losing the weight, not ensuring it’s kept off:

Although the probability of patients achieving a 5% reduction in body weight was considerably higher, the majority of these patients went on to regain lost weight, as evidenced by BMI records of greater than 95% of the initial value, within 2 to 5 years of the first record (where have you heard that before!!) that was lower than 95% of the initial value

BOTTOM LINE:  Best case to achieve normal body weight over 10 years is an “annual probability” (whatever that is):

between 1 in 124 to 1 in 1290

using conventional “lifestyle change” diet strategies of restrictive diets and or forced exercise.  Odds of LASTING success over 10 years are more likely in line with our prior posts:

NWCR Study: Chances of Long Term (10 yr+) Weight Loss 1 in 30000 (oct 2011)

2015 STUDY PROVES: LONG-TERM WEIGHT LOSS RATES <1% 1400 OUT OF 200,000+ OVER 7 YEARS  (June 30th post on EET’s Facebook Page)


Here’s one more quote from the study that weight loss and fitness professionals might want to consider in their future recommendations when they take on a new client:

 We observed reductions in BMI category more frequently among patients with a higher baseline BMI, but these decreases were more likely to be followed by subsequent increases than further decreases or stability in BMI category….Weight cycling has been linked to a higher risk of morbidity and mortality than has stable obesity 16—18 although evidence of causality remains inconclusive.19

Instead of fighting for soda taxes and banning of GMOs or food groups, the data clearly support the need for the weight loss and fitness industry to fully disclose the greater likelihood of weight GAIN than weight loss over 10 years before they sign up a new overweight or obese client.

When the tens of millions of overweight and obese people realize that science is proving a quantifiable portion of their weight gain and reduced health is conclusively backed by clinical research to be a direct result of the recommendations made by the professionals they have entrusted to help them, the odds of a class action lawsuit against all involved seem inevitable.


21yo yo katan gastric

EET Fitness recognized the harm being done by the weight loss and fitness industry SIX YEARS AGO when the 2009 NEJM “Study of Studies” data made it clear.  That study has been confirmed by every study before and since, and this new study over a huge population is the ultimate confirmation.

This study is part of a growing body of compelling evidence that the Weight Loss and Fitness Industry’s recommendations that you must force a “lifestyle change” of food restriction and forced exercise are not the solution for our obesity and health crises:


slide 1 obesity stats

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

disclaimer oct 2012

c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved


obesity stats 2015 gallup report dec 2011

If fast food, our incredible laziness as a nation, supersized portions, big gulps, gluten, carbs, food addictions, processed foods, GMO’s, and everyone’s whipping boy, refined sugar are the cause of the obesity epidemic as the food and fitness nazis have been screaming about for years, then how do you explain this?

obesity stats 2015 gallup report dec 2011

“The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index documented no increases in any states’ adult obesity rate in 2011.  This indicates that the leveling off in the nation’s obesity rate in 2009 and 2010 that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported continued into 2011.”

Obesity, Chronic Diseases Stable Across U.S. States in 2011

Did I miss the news that McDonalds, 7-11, Coke and Dairy Queen all shut down for 3 years, while Monsanto went all organic and obese Americans emptied their pantries of all the junk food while hitting the gym 5 times a week?

Don’t think so.

A Far More Likely Cause

How can you explain the uncurable “disease” of obesity actually improving nationwide across the entire population despite the horrible environment of endless “unhealthy” food options?  How did we as a nation successfully manage our weight enough to stablize obesity rates for 3 years, only to watch it skyrocket to the highest levels ever after 2011?   Here’s one compelling theory:

crossfit paleo gluten google trends

As you can see from Google Trends, beginning in 2011, the latest health crazes of

  • Paleo
  • Crossfit and
  • Gluten Free

All skyrocketed — right alongside the obesity rate.  Coincidence? Correlation without causation? Perhaps, but do you have any better explanations?

One conclusion is far more certain: The obesity rate didn’t skyrocket because of the availability of any type of food or portions or the slothlike lazy behaviors weight loss and fitness experts love to blame and want you to believe has to be the cause.

All of these horrible options and vices were all there for the taking from 2009 – 2011, and America still managed to control obesity.  

slide 1 obesity stats

Obesity Rate Will Fall Again, But From What Level?

The obesity rate will surely fall again in the future, but from what level? (according to NHANES, by 2030 the obesity rate could be nearly 50% higher than it is today–see graph).

When it does fall, experts will insist it’s because of their endless efforts to force you to puruse a “healthy lifestyle” requiring massive food restrictions and forced exercise. They will be wrong. Those recommendations have gotten increasingly louder since 2011 when experts (including recent government guidelines) really started pushing Paleo, Crossfit and Gluten Free diets. The results of these crazes speak for themselves.  The data is clear:

Their solutions for our obesity and health crises ARE THE PROBLEM. 

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved

Why We NEED 20 Varieties of Cheesecake, Mustard for Weight Loss – Repeatable Solutions For Obesity

 not different for everyone

Since 2008, EET has been searching for better answers than the decades of expert’s decades of claiming “many diets work” and advice to “just find a plan that works for you”. Why? Because that advice has produced this:

slide 1 obesity stats

There are better answers out there. In our latest TV Show Time To Get Fit!we introduced a number of “repeatable solutions” we’ve discovered that are:

  • Science based
  • Have worked consistently for most (if not all) clients
  • Continue to work for years as part of our successful long term clients EET plans.


Think of EET’s Repeatable Solutions like aspirin. When people get a headache, they know aspirin is a proven cure. No, it doesn’t work every time, but it’s proven to work consistently for the long term over a large population.

Can you name one repeatable solution that the weight loss and fitness industry has produced over the last 50 years that can make this claim?  We sure can’t.  It’s clear that deprivation like calorie counting, restrictions like predefined portion control and forced exercise don’t deliver –and the list of failed solutions goes on and on.

We’ll share some of EET’s repeatable solutions that almost everyone can benefit from in this and future posts. You decide…

To watch prior episodes of Time To Get Fit!  Click HERE.

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved

Weight Loss REPEATABLE SOLUTIONS That Work AND Last for Obesity – “For How Long”

 not different for everyone

Since 2008, EET has been searching for better answers than the decades of expert’s decades of claiming “many diets work” and advice to “just find a plan that works for you”. Why? Because that advice has produced this:

slide 1 obesity stats

There are better answers out there. In our latest TV Show Time To Get Fit!we introduced a number of “repeatable solutions” we’ve discovered that are:

  • Science based
  • Have worked consistently for most (if not all) clients
  • Continue to work for years as part of our successful long term clients EET plans.


Think of EET’s Repeatable Solutions like aspirin. When people get a headache, they know aspirin is a proven cure. No, it doesn’t work every time, but it’s proven to work consistently for the long term over a large population.

Can you name one repeatable solution that the weight loss and fitness industry has produced over the last 50 years that can make this claim?  We sure can’t.  It’s clear that deprivation like calorie counting, restrictions like predefined portion control and forced exercise don’t deliver –and the list of failed solutions goes on and on.

We’ll share some of EET’s repeatable solutions that almost everyone can benefit from in this and future posts. You decide…

To watch prior episodes of Time To Get Fit!  Click HERE.

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved

2 New Studies Show Effect Of Carb Timing Chrononutrition For Diabetes = EET Fitness in 2008! – CAUTION

carb timing study

In 2008 EET Fitness made the bold claim that the key to reversing the diabetes and obesity epidemics will be found in Carb Timing. (Possible Christopher Columbus moment in the new world of Chrononutrition?)

In 2011 EET Fitness produced unprecedented results using an unrestricted timing diet in a Dr. Supervised Trial at a Portland, Or  Check out the video we produced interviewing participants and medical professionals -email us at eetfit@gmail.com and we’ll send you the entire study for free:

In 2014 a study from the prestigious Salk Institute showed timing has a profound effect on diabetes and obesity in mice

In 2013 –  2014 there were multiple clinical studies on humans that confirmed timing has a profound effect on weight and blood markers. For example here and here and here.

Now in 2015 we can add two recent studies that are confirming the power of meal and carb timing for diabetics – PLEASE READ EET’S CAUTIONS UNDER EACH (remember I’ve been practicing and teaching this stuff for seven years, maybe I have something of value to add?):

STUDY 1 Diabetes and Chrononutrition  June 2015

Although both diets contain the same amount of calories, blood glucose increased less (23% decrease) after lunch before a big breakfast.”

EET Caution: Trying to commit to a restrictive TIMING diet of eating most of your calories for breakfast, especially on a caloric restrictive diet, is a strategy doomed to failure for nearly everyone and will lead to weight gain and reduced health within 2-5 years.

STUDY 2  Food Order has a Signifcant impact on Post Prandial Glucose and Insulin Levels Diabetes Care July 2015

“In contrast to conventional nutritional counseling in diabetes, which is largely restrictive and focuses on “how much” and “what not to eat,” this pilot study suggests that improvement in glycemia may be achieved by optimal timing of carbohydrate ingestion during a meal.”

EET CAUTION: This study showed the benefits of carb timing DURING A SPECIFIC MEAL.  The implication here is that you’ll eat your meatballs and side of high fat cream spinach before you’ll eat your spaghetti, or pick off your pepperoni and green peppers before eating the crust of your pizza. Who is going to live their lives this way?  Many dieters and diabetics I fear, and I’m even more afraid of weight loss and diabetic coaches recommending this as they take any new finding from science and suggest or even recommend it without really thinking about the long term effects of trying it. EET teaches metabolic carb timing by meals during the DAY (lunch vs dinner), and through EET Behavioral Timing by day, week, and month.   Why? Because this is how people live their lives when their NOT on a diet and can make it work long term.

BOTTOM LINE: Without EET Behavioral Timing, these findings are just more restrictions that will create diet failure, weight gain and worse health. Any timing strategy has to makes sense for your lifestyle short and long term–these studies don’t consider that in their protocols. They have to do this to control variables–just be aware that doesn’t translate to real world dieting!

EET the new paradigm

In any case – 7 years after EET discovered it, Metabolic and Carb Timing for diabetics is standing up to the rigors of scientific study – Maybe the weight loss, fitness and research community will actually answer one of my emails (God forbid they contact me first!)  if they want to learn the more important power EET Behavioral Timing a little faster. 🙂

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved

Weight Loss and Fitness Industry Obesity Report Card 5 Graphs Over 40 Years

 men women obese

Have you read the latest news?

More Than Two Thirds of Americans Are Overweight or Obese (Time.com June 2015)

The part that caught my attention was this quote:

The researchers conclude that interventions should prioritize healthy diet, physical activity and healthy social norms to get Americans back in shape.

Looking over the data below, some of which goes back 40 years,  EET Fitness reaches a FAR different conclusion about what sort of results we can continue to expect from the experts’ conclusions….

men women obesefitness industry graph

paleo diet google trends


slide 1 obesity statsslide 2 diabetes stats

For more comparisons (including McDonald’s and Soda sales impact) see prior post

If You Were New To Nutrition / Weight Loss / Fitness, What Do These Graphs Tell You.


Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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How to Reframe Behavior for Fast Weight Loss that Lasts: IF NOT NOW, WHEN? (Step 5)

pizza if not now when


“Average people allow time to impose its will on them; exceptional people impose their will on their time. ”  Steve Jobs, Founder Apple 

Here’s Step 5, the final step of EET’s latest approach we guarantee you have not tried before to safely and effectively lose a lot of weight fast and keep it off:

Step 1 Some Essential Tools (recommend read first)

Step 2 TMT – Don’t Panic!

Step 3  Find A Way

Step 4  Give In Strategically

Step 5   If Not Now, WHEN?

pizza if not now when

Can one simple question create fast and lasting weight loss? Yes. Here’s How.

Reframe every thought you have about food, fitness and dieting using the following phrase:

If not now, WHEN?

Example of how Step 5 works:

You’re on day three of a 12 day EET Crash Diet and you’re off to a great start. You arrive home from a stressful day at work,and find yourself thinking all those old thoughts about eating a whole bunch of “comfort food” to ease the stress. However, because of your thorough preparation using Steps 1-4, you’re able to avoid panicking and stay on track with the light dinner you had planned.

After dinner, you’re watching TV, and it happens.

A commercial for a delicious hot pizza. This kicks off the launch sequence and you’re overwhelmed by major hunger and cravings.  Next thing you know the door opens and it’s your spouse walking in holding a pizza and a bottle of wine.  All your preparation for EET’s Crash Diet  is going out the window as years of yo-yo dieting thoughts take over. Time for Step 5.  :

Block out all old diet related thoughts and focus on this question:

If not now, WHEN?

Simple, right? Not exactly. Successfully executing Step 5 is far from easy given the powerful influence of horrible thoughts from years of failed diets and expert advice on how to lose weight filling most dieter’s heads. A small sample of diet killing thoughts includes:

  • “I shouldn’t eat those unhealthy carbs in that pizza (but god I want it!)”
  • “I gave that up forever”
  • “I need to make a lifestyle change and make better choices”
  • “What the hell, I’m eating!”
  • “If I eat that, I’ll get diabetes (or make it worse)”
  • “I can’t attach food to my feelings of stress”
  • “I’ll never be able to lose weight with my family screwing me up all the time”
  • “Screw this stupid diet, I’ll eat whatever I want to!”
  • “It will take hours to burn off those calories if I eat that pizza”
  • “Once I take that first bite, the floodgates are gonna open and I’ll binge”
  • “That’s not on my diet plan”

and many more. Ever have any of these thoughts when faced with a challenge? I know I have, but no longer.

For most dieters, diet killing thoughts like these are now strongly established “neural highways” in your automatic brain. They have become the “go to” response after years of repetition and prior actions during diet challenges.

It’s these thoughts that have led you to the extra weight on your body and the relationship with food you have today. When you see or smell a trigger like a delicious pizza, you’re immediately whisked down the old highway to hating your diet, uncontrolled eating, or both. You can try to fight these urges, but that just makes things worse and your chances of success even lower. The reality is:

Most of your current thoughts and behaviors when faced with a diet challenge are out of your control, unless you train to create new neural highways that provide a new path to your goals.

pizza if not now when

Training to Reframe Thoughts in our Automatic Brain

Just think:

If not now, WHEN?

That’s it. Focus on nothing else.

Step 5 will reframe all of your weight loss decisions in the language of time, the only proven approach for lasting behavioral change that can work for nearly everyone.The better your focus, the sooner you’ll build strong new highways that can redefine your relationship with dieting and food and lead you to your goals by making helpful thoughts and behaviors automatic. You’ll stop fighting a battle against yourself you simply cannot win.

You’ll go from stressful and harmful deprivation and restriction based thinking like:

“I should or shouldn’t do that”                                                                                           (eat certain foods, eat certain size portions, follow strict rules for a lifestyle you don’t enjoy, etc.)

to helpful, logical time based thinking:

If not now, WHEN?                                                                                                               (can I eat the foods and portions I love, relax and enjoy a high quality of life while still pursuing my weight loss goals)

pizza if not now when

Pizza Challenge Success On The EET Crash Diet

Using Step 5 to focus on “If not now, WHEN?” eliminates the need for willpower and struggling and leads to logical, helpful thoughts related to TIME like these:

  • I would really like to meet my weight loss targets this week, I’ll eat pizza twice next week.
  • Feeling miserable while others eat amazing food around me is not success. I’ll eat two slices now, then reevaluate if I need more food now or when it makes sense to eat more for my goals.
  • My official weigh in is 5 days from now, I’ll procrastinate now and “find a way” later.
  • This time can be different. I can eat pizza any TIME. For now, I want weight loss.

training your brain

All 5 Steps Require Training

Old thoughts that lead to well established neural highways of diet killing behaviors don’t just disappear. Creating the skill needed to focus on “If not now, WHEN?” along with the other 4 steps in EET’s Crash diet takes practice. This mental training to consistently reframe thoughts in the language of time is far more important than any nutrition or exercise efforts.

Applying Step 5’s “If not now, WHEN?” when faced with a diet challenge takes just a second.  Training to focus on it instantly helps replace all the horrible, negative and defeating thoughts that race through your mind when your diet is on the line. You need a well thought out training plan.

That’s why EET’s Crash Diet has five steps and not just one. The more you learn and practice them the better your chances of finally seeing fast AND lasting weight loss results.

If you’re reading this the chances are you’ve failed at weight loss, fitness and/or your relationship with food for years.  Are you ready to try something completely different?

If not now, When?

pizza if not now when

Next:  The Reframing Checklist

I told you EET’s Crash Diet is different. Study all 5 steps in EET’s Crash Diet if you’re serious about successful crash dieting for lasting results.

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

disclaimer oct 2012

How to Create Enough Self Control (not Willpower) for Fast, Lasting Weight Loss

carmello over spinach

Hopefully, you’re following EET’s latest approach we guarantee you have not tried before for safe, fast, lasting weight loss.

While we give you a chance to digest the first four (of five) steps,  here’s some additional insights on weight loss, nutrition and exercise for those who want the highest possible chance of success.

How To Create Self Control For Fast, Lasting Results

Below is an excerpt that explains how your brain hardwires prior experiences and emotions that all but force you to stay with established behaviors and make any lasting change so difficult.  They are from the 2014 book Rewire: Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits by Richard O’Connor PhD.

Before you read it, here are the takeaways of how EET applies this new scientific knowledge your efforts at fast, lasting weight loss:

1. Everyone has established “neural highways” (highways) in their brain 

These are built based on prior experiences and emotions. Over time they become so strong they create “automatic brain” behaviors.

2. Nearly everyone’s highways include intense desires for pleasurable food and relaxation.

3. Nearly everyone’s highways are in hardwired in our automatic brain to end pain.

This is why most dieters have intense desires to avoid deprivation and painful exercise.

4. Our highways related to prior failed weight loss and fitness efforts are locked in our automatic brain.

When something makes you think about dieting, these highways will fire. You’ll have little chance to use self control to overcome your desires or to change behaviors.   

5. You can’t force a weight loss diet for lasting results. 

While fast weight loss is possible following a diet you hate, constantly fighting the powerful established highways in your automatic brain is too painful. Soon, you’ll default to your old habits which will overwhelm willpower and prevent lasting results.  

6. Lasting results are only possible through the creation and reinforcement of new highways.

Over time, you can strengthen new highways and make them part of your automatic brain.  This does not require willpower. The new highways are the paths that will painlessly lead you to lasting results.  

Strongly recommended reading for examples and more information:

How and why to end “eat less/move more” for weight loss, fitness and health

The part of your brain that won’t let you lose weight is real and very powerful

find a way NOT

From Rewire:

The undertow (your struggles to change based on prior challenges and negative experiences) gets much of its power from the paths etched in our brains by bad habits. One slip and we’ve left the (newly built neural) highway,  and are back on the old road that was abandoned but never torn up.  We’ve talked about how the mind builds physical connections between cells that become stronger as we practice our habits. We have to learn new habits to replace our old self destructive patterns, and as we learn them, new channels in our brain become stronger and deeper. But the problem is that the old channels are still there and we can easiy slip back into them.  

Brain research has not found a way to tear up those old channels….Life won’t leave you alone. There are always new stresses, many of which press our same old self-destructive buttons. Our old bad habits become the brain’s default circuits when we are face with temptation, fatigue or stress. Rewirign the braing to develop and reinforce healthier circuitry takes consistent practice…so you have to train your nervous system as you would train muscles and reflexes, to make the right choice without thinking too much (This is EET’s Metabolic Memory Concept from 2008!).

The best implication of this is that each time you replace a self destructive behavior pattern with something healthier, it will be easier to do it again. Neurons that fire together, wire together.  

Some of our most ingrained self-destructive behavior patterns are like superhighways in the brain by now. Easy on but not so easy off. But we can construct alternate routes just by focused practice….

The undertow gets all it’s power from the unconscious guilt self-hate and hopelessness that accompany the self-destructive behavior. Don’t allow yourself to wallow, just get back on the horse. The what the hell effect is an illustion. Your work is never wasted.  

I told you EET’s Crash Diet is different. Study EET’s Crash Diet Steps 1  -4 if you’re serious about successful crash dieting for lasting results.

NOTE: This information is in no way a recommendation to attempt a diet of any sort–it’s for information and education purposes only. Readers assume all risk with their weight loss and fitness efforts–See disclaimer below for more.

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

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c 2015 EET Fitness Inc.  All Rights Reserved

How and Why To End “Eat Less Move More” FOREVER for Weight Loss, Fitness and Health

track nothing eat less

Hopefully, you’re following EET’s latest approach we guarantee you have not tried before to safely and effectively lose a lot of weight fast and keep it off in a few simple steps:

While we give you a chance to digest the first four (of five) steps,  here’s some additional insights on weight loss, nutrition and exercise for those who want the highest possible chance of success.

Ending Eat Less / Move (Exercise) More FOREVER


track nothing martinislide


FACT: There are endless studies that show you can make yourself eat less and lose weight more quickly if you track the details and progress of your efforts.

FACT: Every one of those endless studies shows dieters will stop tracking whatever you start tracking over time. According to all available science, tracking data and progress will lead to weight GAIN within 2-5 years.

Examples of what NEVER to track for lasting weight loss and fitness:

  • Calories or Points
  • Carbs Fats or Proteins
  • Foods or meals in any sort of food diary
  • Exercise or activity efforts
  • Your scale weight* or body fat %
  • You physical appearance (photo updates, clothing size, etc)

This means no fitness apps or fitness wearables are part of your plan. No progress updates. No data to share with a coach or buddy for accountability. Nothing means nothing.

*Using EET, we weigh in on the scale as the one measure of weight loss (read why here). However, we NEVER track scale weight on a chart, graph, app or any other format.

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WHY End “Eat Less” Forever?

It’s vital to lasting success that you never think about eating less.

Your “automatic brain” has no idea that you’d like to lose 20 pounds to fit into your skinny jeans. It’s hardwired to push you to eat more until we’re satisfied and store plenty of fat. Both are key elements of survival. So, to your brain, the mere thought of:

Eat less = Deprivation and risk of starvation – need to eat NOW!

This biological reality is why nearly all restrictive diets fail.  You can only struggle and suffer against your own biology for so long.

Knowing this, I track nothing to keep my automatic brain blissfully unaware if I’m eating more or less each day. I eat what I want, when I want. No restrictions. Period. Some days that’s a ton, others I could be a poster boy for Amnesty International, most days it’s somewhere in between. Kind of like the rest of my life.

If things always went perfectly, I would love to write up my life’s story and share it with the world. My entire brain would be so proud!  The reality is they rarely go perfectly and that’s the problem with thinking about eating less, ever.

Think of it this way: It’s so much easier to enjoy my life and my diet when I don’t have the “Pearlstone Eating Less” project binder sitting on my desk reminding my brain how I’m depriving it of food it desires.  I’m also pretty sure reviewing the “Pearlstone Binge Report” detailing every macronutrient from the 10,000 calories I ate last night while crying about how miserable my life is won’t help me with my weight and fitness efforts over the long haul.

WHY End “Move More” Forever?

Our bodies were built to move a lot, so it would seem like your automatic brain wouldn’t mind you tracking all the details of your exercise and activity. Seeing progress is exciting and gives you lots of material for endless pics and videos that apparently must be shared daily on Facebook to show how great you’re doing, and get lots of support and accountability.

And you’re right. Unlike focusing on eating less which is a virtual guarantee of misery, exciting progress in moving more will be pleasing to your brain and your body.

Until you stop, of course. Then, things can get ugly.

Your lack of progress will lead to frustration. Your lack of discipline will lead to guilt. These are very harmful emotions that very quickly crush a lifetime goal of weight loss.

There’s more to the story.  Your brain learns using associations and we know what most people associate with moving more. Pain. This is because we’ve associated moving more with painful exercise we’re sure is need to lose weight on a diet.  This leads to hating exercise, dieting and pretty much moving in general. I have many more science backed reasons I could cover, but hopefully you get the point:

We need to stop worrying about moving more, FOREVER.  This requires  never tracking the details or your progress if you want truly lasting results.

track nothing eat less

Still Not Convinced? Consider This.

When people are in between aka “off” diets and/or exercise plans, they track nothing. THEY DON’T WANT TO KNOW. Why? Because it avoids frustration and guilt and makes life more enjoyable. It stands to reason that any plan that can produce weight loss and fitness without tracking anything would be highly desirable and far more likely to produce lasting results!

How To Get Started Tracking Nothing: Next Week

If you feel you must focus on something, make it your game plan for the next week or month.  This can include

  • Daily eating, exercise and activity menus
  • Food options for different times of day
  • Exercise Routines
  • Activities you’d like to try

Focusing on and even writing up your future plans is an incredibly useful exercise for the logical part of your brain.  It helps you stay in control over the very powerful automatic brain.  You’ll make better choices by “preprogramming”, and, once you learn how, it’s far more enjoyable and effective than tracking events that have already happened.

However, under no circumstances should you track your actual results against your projected game plan.

Some days you’ll eat a lot more, some days you’ll eat a lot less, and if you manage this appraoch well, your scale weight will go down and your fitness will go up.  Does that mean you’re eating less and moving more?

Who knows? Who cares?

We just want to be happy with our weight, fitness, relationship with food, and have a great quality of life.  And our best chance of getting there for the long haul is to:

track nothing martinislide