5 Simple Rules To Love Exercise: Demand Nothing From Exercise

expectation beer bottles

Hope, pray, beg, plead, want, encourage, or anticipate results from it, but; whatever you do, never DEMAND anything from your exercise efforts.

These are my 5 simple rules I believe everyone can adopt to help you love daily exercise with no rest days:

RULE 5  Become an Exercise Ninja  (covered in prior post)

RULE 4  Become an Exercise Doctor

RULE 3  Go Hard As Long As It’s Easy

RULE 2 Demand Nothing From Exercise

changes the sails

Most people exercise to look and feel better.  Others skillfully use exercise to dramatically improve health markers.  Still others use it strategically to keep them fit while eating an unrestricted diet :-).

Whatever your motive, you won’t exercise consistently for the next 10 – 50+ years if you demand specific results.  It just doesn’t work that way.  Of course you can make your best effort to reach your goals, and you can really really want to see results. But:

  • How long do you give yourself to meet your demands?
  • What happens if your demands are not met?  Push Harder?  Quit?
  • What happens after you DO achieve them?  Demand More?  And More?

Timing is everything, so think about the impact of demanding results over time

  • The next 6 weeks
  • The next year
  •  5 years
  •  25 years?

If you’ve achieved amazing fitness today by demanding results — did this approach to fitness “work” if you get hurt or burned out and are half as fit a year from now?  If you’re miserable because of the restrictions and demands of your amazing fitness?

Fit, fat or in between, we’ve all got a long way to go not matter where you are today.

Why exactly do I exercise?  

Because I hope and pray to do effective exercise as often as needed that delivers a very long, healthy and HAPPY life.

But it’s against my rules to add the impossible expectations that come with demanding it.


  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     

EET Exercise Metabolic Strength Circuit (CircEET) 1 Minute Video – U CAN DO THIS!

strength circuit

What if you were taught to exercise by not allowing yourself to get sore for AT LEAST THE FIRST MONTH?  What if your exercise program was built not only to prevent injury but to HELP YOU RECOVER FROM INJURY?  What if your exercise routine was as short as 1 MINUTE and NEVER LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES?

What if every workout was specificially designed to get the most out of your metabolism to help you become leaner, stronger and healthier in ways that can last for years?  EET is that exercise program — it’s worked for me and for others for years and it can work for you too. Check out this 1 minute video of one of EET’s many exercise routines for an idea of how EET works.

You don’t need any equipment or gym to do EET’s 1-30 minute workouts, but you can use them if you like.  If you want to see how EET works first hand, I’m still adding a few new personal training clients! The fees are $100 initial consult and $50 per session.   I will only accept a limited number of personal training clients so if you’re interested, now is the time!  Just drop me an email at eetfit@gmail.com.  More info on EET’s website www.eetfit.com

BookCoverPreview 1 min stretch

New EET Exercise Book Nearly Complete!

We could still use a few more reviewers, but for those who have signed up, you’ll be getting your advance copy soon.  We’ll send you an advance copy of the book for FREE if you’ll agree to review it on Amazon and Good Reads. If you’re interested please email us at eetfit@gmail.com.  Here’s EET’s Live Longer Routine-click to enlarge:

sample workout live longersample workout live longer routine

copyright 2015  EET Fitness, Inc.  All rights reserved.


IMPORTANT:  ANYONE CAN DO EET EXERCISE! You start from you’re current fitness level (even if you don’t have one 🙂 ) and progress from there without painful workouts and without risking injury!  EET has worked for Elite athletes and total couch potatoes!

And when I say these can work without requiring a diet — I mean it!

If you have questions, comments, feedback or are interested in reviewing EET’s new book for FREE,  Contact us at eetfit@gmail.com

I’ll be sharing additional content and you can learn EET much more quickly by joining the discussion at  The EET Community today!   We’ve covered many helpful EET topics (go HERE to check out the discussions already in progress!):

Please read the Community Guidelines on the post in the community to help our discussion be really helpful to all!

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     Click here if you want to sign up for EET.


disclaimer oct 2012

EET’s 1 Minute Stretch Routine VIDEO = 7 Years of Injury Free Exercise (And Life!)

1 minute stretch tam

 This one minute video shows you my exact stretch routine as part of my daily EETfit Metabolic Exercise that has kept me injury free for the last 7 years.  The move I call “the stretch I love to hate” looks a little odd–but I learned it from a Navy Seal and it works!!  Anyhow, 5 basic moves and that’s it.  NOTE: This stretch routine is simple but it’s not for a beginner!!  EET will offer a complete video of how to use this stretch including beginner and intermediate levels soon.

muscle mastery added to foundation

With EET’s Two Must Haves,  thanks to CONSISTENCY my body gets the message that it needs to be ready to ramp up to full intensity VERY quickly WITHOUT RISKING INJURY.   

7 Years of consistent, injury free full intensity workouts, weight and fitness beyond my goals and many challenging work and adventure related activities,  tell you how the 1 minute stretch is going so far….. 

Learn more about other keys to The EET Timing Diet, for FREE!

  Go to www.eetfit.com to download our FREE EET Timing Diet Personal Training Guide and learn how to love your diet– no registration, no obligation of any kind, we just want everyone to know how Timing is different!

EET personal training guide cover

EET also strongly recommends you read our previous two blog posts before diving in to The Guide, to get the best possible introduction to The EET Timing Diet:

A Wildly Successful 7 Year Weight Loss and Fitness Plan – Can YOU Do EET Timing?

Proof You’re ONE THOUGHT Away From Reaching Your Weight Loss And Fitness Goals

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     Click here if you want to sign up for EET.

(Check out several Guidelines along with the list of EET’s Guidelines for FREE in the Look Inside Section of EET’s Book HERE):


disclaimer oct 2012

VIDEO: Exercise Timing Basics On The EET Timing Diet – Things Trainers / Crossfit Won’t Tell You

exercise timing

Motivation, discipline, and enduring painful workouts are not the path to long-term weight loss and fitness success.  This is far more than EET’s opinion.  This is confirmed by every major study involving exercise for weight loss and fitness.  But shattering the myths of  “Just Do It” and “no pain no gain” can’t even crack the top 3 things your Crossfit instructor won’t focus on as they push you for short term results.  We share the top 2 in this video clip taken from our upcoming Exercise Timing episode of EET’s new TV show:  TIME to Get Fit

There’s more, but I recommend stopping there for weeks or even months, until you’ve seen lasting proven progress towards your goals,  as I believe all trainers should.   

However, years of experience tell me to add the obligatory “action” exercise video with me and other EETers.  Why?  If you watched the first video thinking “come on already, just show me the timed exercises!”, and watch the second video seeing EETers who have been successful for YEARS thinking,  “Wow, that’s motivating” or “there’s no way that could work for me” then that’s a huge red flag you need to make dramatic changes in your thinking about exercise.  EET helps you build a lasting exercise program that works for YOU!  But, whatever the exercise,  the first step is to prove you’ve mastered EET’s Must Haves first.  If you want results watch first video again! 

You can learn how EET produces long-term results by focusing on EET’s Guideline #24 Phase It, Don’t Force It — in fact, here’s a page right from EET’s FREE Personal Training Guide to show you how it works:

EET Progressions


we hope you’ll learn all about it and other key’s to The EET Timing Diet–here’s how:  

 Wanna Download More EET Timing Secrets for FREE? Okay! 

EET personal training guide cover

Just click on the pic above or HERE and you can download The EET Timing Diet Personal Training Guide (just scroll down a little) — for FREE.  No Registration, no obligations. You’ll see our completely different science-backed plan for weight loss, fitness and an amazing relationship with food that has worked for many EETers for YEARS.  

 However, EET Fitness respects your burning desire to see some short term results too, so The Guide is designed to offer a starting point to see if you can lose up to 10 pounds in 30 days -AND KEEP IT OFF — using Timing.  

We’ve been adding videos, most around a minute, to help explain parts of the guide.  Check them out on Youtube HERE.

You owe us absolutely nothing for The Guide — we hope it helps you!  However, at the risk of sounding pushy, we will ask a favor:  If you like what you see, maybe you could pass The Guide, or the free link along to a friend or colleague.  EET has worked for years trying to boil down the basics of our Timing Diet, now we can share it, and your help in making dieters aware of EET would be greatly appreciated.  

We must add that EET strongly recommends you read and follow all warnings and disclaimers.  EET is a very different way to approach weight loss and fitness and we want you to be safe.

EET also strongly recommends you read our previous two blog posts before diving in to The Guide, to get the best possible introduction to The EET Timing Diet:

A Wildly Successful 7 Year Weight Loss and Fitness Plan – Can YOU Do EET Timing?

Proof You’re ONE THOUGHT Away From Reaching Your Weight Loss And Fitness Goals

We welcome your feedback on the Guide and invite you to ask questions and meet real EETers in The EET Community.  In an industry where success is currently measured by how much money diet plans make off of dieters, with zero concern for long term results, EET has remained focused on SUCCESSFUL LONG-TERM WEIGHT LOSS AND FITNESS.  We never give up on EETers because we really believe The EET Timing Diet can be the starting point to end this: 

long term weight loss impossible eet slide

But now, for the first time, you have all the time you need to decide for yourself, for FREE, with no pressure.  Study The Guide, try the skill builders, learn to focus on your Timing, and today could truly be the start of your final diet and exercise plan.  Whatever you decide, EET wishes you the best of luck in  pursuit of your goals.


Jon Pearlstone, Founder

EET Fitness, Inc.

eet mission


You can learn EET much more quickly by joining the discussion at  The EET Community today!   We’ve covered many helpful EET topics (go HERE to check out the discussions already in progress!):

Please read the Community Guidelines on the post in the community to help our discussion be really helpful to all!

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     Click here if you want to sign up for EET.

(Check out several Guidelines along with the list of EET’s Guidelines for FREE in the Look Inside Section of EET’s Book HERE):


disclaimer oct 2012

3 Truths About EET Exercise Timing That Can Change Your Life

exercise timing metabolic considerations

The EET Timing Diet is different from any diet you’ve ever tried, and nowhere could the differences be bigger than EET’s approach to exercise and WHEN you do it.  Here are 3 exercise truths from EET Fitness to prove our point. 

TRUTH 1)  Your eating timing has a huge influence on your exercise timing.

Oh sure there are metabolic considerations you’ll want to learn as shown in the chart above, but we don’t even need to go all scientific to prove the power of Timing.  Here’s simpler proof when you eat has a huge influence on your exercise (and vice versa!!): 

Imagine eating 4-5 slices of pizza 15 minutes BEFORE an intense cardio workout:

eating before exercise

Now imagine eating the same 4-5 slices of pizza 15 minutes AFTER an intense cardio workout:

eating after exercise

Same food, same exercise in both situations, only difference is EATING AND EXERCISE TIMING.  Do you see any difference in your exercise performance and satisfaction with your food based on the TIMING of the pizza and exercise?  EET sure does.  

TRUTH 2)  Simply changing the Timing creates COMPLETELY different workouts and can create completely different results. 

Again, let’s start with simple:  In running there is sprinting and jogging.  The difference?  TIMING.  Think your results might be different if you do a jogging workout vs a sprinting workout?  (Don’t assume one is better than the other, that depends on TRUTH 3 below).  But, changing the timing of the exercise (also known as intensity) is just scratching the surface.  EET designs programs that change timing in many many other ways:  Time of total workout, Time of each set, Time of Each rep, Time of rest between each set, Time of rest between each circuit, and a whole lot more.  Every one of these TIMING changes can have a profound impact on your short and long-term results. 

TRUTH 3)  If you clearly define your TIME FRAME, your approach and use of exercise for weight loss and fitness changes dramatically.

Simple, simple, simple.  Somehow no one else ever seemed to come up with it though, and we have a yo-yo exercise epidemic that rivals the yo-yo diet epidemic, both of which are major causes of the obesity and poor fitness epidemic.  EET follows TRUTH 3 by recommending the following approach to all exercise efforts:

exercise timing 5 years

So there are 3 Truths about Exercise Timing you can consider as you build your weight loss and fitness program, and we didn’t even have to get into the additional Truths we’ve discovered about whole metabolic thing to show you the power of Exercise Timing.  Or you can keep believing conventional “wisdom” (definitely not science!!) that when you work out doesn’t matter, that it’s all simply about calories in-calories out, 90 day transformations and “no pain, no gain”.  We can’t force you to believe anything.  All EET can do is show you the truth and let you decide for yourself.   

cover art ice cream on side (1)

(Check out several Guidelines along with the list of EET’s Guidelines for FREE in the Look Inside Section HERE):


eet exchange facebook 

EET’s new Personal Training Guide covers more of this stuff.  It’s FREE and on schedule to be released October 15, 2014.  You can get ahead of the curve by joining the discussion at The EET Community today!    EETers have already started replying to Today’s discussion topic which is this (go HERE to check out the discussion already in progress!):

Discussion Topic For Tuesday Oct 8 :  What are some of your best “go to” meals and snacks for low carb TIMES?

Again- please read the Community Guidelines on the post below to help our discussion be really helpful to all!

  Questions?  Contact us at  eetfit@gmail.com     Click here if you want to sign up for EET.


EET personal training guide cover


disclaimer oct 2012

Timing Metabolic and Activity Windows for Fitness, Weight Loss : Sample Menus

sample timing menu dinnerAbove and Below are some specific EET Daily Exercise Menus to show you how Exercise TIming works along with a bunch of FAQ’s at the end of this post.

We covered the 5 keys to getting started with EET Exercise in yesterday’s blog post:

Exercise For Weight Loss : Learn These 5 Keys Or Just Stop. PLEASE!

That post could guide you through your first YEAR of exercise efforts on The EET Fitness Plan.   You can master that stuff and build a solid foundation for success if you’re serious about long term fitness and weight loss results.  However, it sometimes helps to get a look at the road ahead so I’ve decided to share these sample menus for Exercise Timing so you can see how it works day to day in the real world.  Here we go:

Before you review these menus, it will help a lot to understand the differences between Metabolic and Activity Windows as they are two main Timing Menu Options for EET Exercise TIming (click to enlarge):

metabolic and activity windows defined

This graphic is really important so please review– even if it does look like the Monopoly Title Deeds of Pacific Ave and Boardwalk — not intentional 🙂

A summary of the graphic is EETers can choose to create a Metabolic Window (where many metabolic processes actually change function) by breaking down muscles using exercise before meals.  Or, EETers can create an Activity Window by performing activities after a meal.  Either way the objective is the same:  Metabolize carbs in a healthy way and get them out of your blood stream so we can get back to EET Transformation (Fat Loss) Time.   The Q and A at the end of this post covers more specifics worth knowing but now let’s dive into the sample menus:  


Here’s a typical EET Exercise Timing Menu that plans for an Exercise Metabolic Window today before lunch and an Activity Window Tomorrow after lunch:

sample exercise timing menu

The best part about EET Metabolic and Activity Windows is their endless flexibility when combined with EET Daily and Weekly TIming. You can “open a window” before or after any meal, any time of the day or night, and because EET only focuses on TIMING vs specific exercise requirements, you can do any exercise or activity for any amount of time you choose.  The possible Exercise Timing Menus are truly endless, and can fit everyone’s very busy lifestyle — next example shows the use of EET Windows at Dinner Time, then a Breakfast Example follows:

sample timing menu dinner

sample timing menu breakfast


If you’ve read this far then it’s a safe bet the questions are already flying— Here’s a few answers to get you started:

YES you can open only metabolic OR activity windows two days in a row or longer 

YES you can open windows on different meals during the week–there is no set pattern

YES you can eat whatever foods you want when the “window is open”  OR WHEN IT’S CLOSED – NOTHING is forbidden – EVER

YES there is no pre-defined portion control

NO you don’t have to count calories (better if you don’t in fact as it has nothing to do with EET Metabolic or Exercise TIming or long-term weight loss for that matter)

YES you can decide how long you want to exercise or how long you spend on the activity.


YES EETers really eat the decadent foods on these menus (and much more) and exercise for very short periods of time (if at all, some just use Activity Windows) and have lost weight and become more fit and maintained their results for years.

Q and A TIME

I know you have more questions, and I’ve dedicated the rest of this blog post to some of the most common onesI get asked by new EETers.  Hopefully, you see the potential Exercise Timing offers for a plan that can adjust to whatever lifestyle you choose. Whether it does or it doesn’t, just imagine how much more sense all of this would make if you would just take a year or so and work on the 5 Keys to Exercise Timing.  I know for a fact EET’s worth the time!

Let’s start our Q and A on EET Exercise Timing with the most commonly asked question:

Q:  Can Exercise Timing Work for me if I love to exercise in the morning but I love to eat carbs at night?

A:  Exercise Timing is NOT the key to long-term weight loss.  Eating Timing is where you should spend most of your time diligently practicing timing the foods you love!  Using other types of EET Timing (Daily, Weekly and Calendar for starters), as well as other EET Guidelines such as #9 Need it? Eat It!  If Not, Don’t,  #19 the EET Carb Management System and #21 the need for Variety (all taught in future steps), you can still use EET to eat what you want, when you want it and be able to reach your weight and fitness goals. 

Be aware, however, that your Exercise Timing is less than ideal from a Metabolic Timing standpoint.  You might consider less intense forms of exercise in the morning as you will see little benefit creating a metabolic window that will be long closed by time you eat your carbs 10 hours later.  However,  EET’s guidelines are crystal clear:  #13 Love your Activities (or exercise)  The weight loss will follow.  If you love activity that helps avoid “Yo-yo exercise” build it into your EET menu!  Never, EVER force any change just to lose weight or to improve your fitness — It won’t last.


Q:  Are you saying I should exercise before OR use activities to burn off carbs after EVERY meal with carbs ?

A:  See EET Guideline #1 Yo-yo Must Go! (free to read if you click the preview link on Amazon)  Is there any chance of you exercising or being active before or after every meal?  Hint:  The answer is NO.  EET just adds these options to our WeeklyTiming Menu when we think we can make the timing work.  You’ll be wrong a lot and you just change your menu and move on, because you can still succeed on EET.  How?  Mostly by staying aware that Exercise Timing is NOT the key to long-term weight loss — Eating Timing is!  For your first year you’re just practicing and rehearsing to see if Exercise Timing might be helpful to your long term goals so you have lots of time to build an effective Timing Plan.


Q:  How do I know if my exercise created a good metabolic window?


A:  You never know for sure, and you don’t need to know to succeed at EET long-term.  We simply do the best we can and we don’t stress about it.  However, there are two useful indicators:

  1)  Your large muscle groups are fatigued enough that you could not do many if any more sets/curcuits/intervals, etc.
  2)  You see steady fitness and possibly weight loss improvements over weeks and months.


Q:  What is the difference between EET Exercise and EET Activities?

A:  While you’re learning EET basics, just work on understanding how they work in EET Metabolic Timing:  Basically, exercise is what you do before eating carbs to create a metabolic window and activities are things you do after eating to burn off excess carbs.

Down the road, as your EETing skills become more advanced, you can learn to apply EET’s “official” definitions:

Exercise (EET Definition):  Helpful support to build the functional strength for a lifestyle of activities important to me.

Activities (EET Definition): Things I want, need and love to do for the lifestyle I desire.

The more you learn EET, the more you will love these definitions and the more they can help you!


Q:  I’ve read studies that say muscle growth is not significantly effected during a metabolic window.  Does this mean EET Exercise Timing isn’t backed by science and won’t work?

A:  There’s a study to back almost any position you want to support in weight loss and fitness (except a study to show ANY other diet or exercise program can consistently produce long-term results. Avoiding those proven failures is the science EET is most heavily based on!!).   Even if muscle growth is not enhanced there is overwhelming evidence from the Science of Nutrient Timing that eating carbs during a metabolic window offer tremendous health benefits such as glycogen restoration, vastly improved recovery from intense exercise and immune system benefits.  More importantly, EET Exercise Timing helps dieters create menus to time the carbs they love and try to be active when it best fits  their current lifestyles.  This dramatically increases the odds that EETers are enjoying their carbs at times that will help rather than harm our weight and fitness goals.


Q:  How should I decide whether to create a metabolic or activity window each day.

A: As you Progress learning EET Timing, the answer is your weekly timing menu.  Until then the answer is to choose whichever you are comfortable using and simply practice your timing.


Q:  Household chores like vacuuming and yardwork count as exercise on EET?

A:  YES.  Well, sort of.  They are officially EET Activities (see the definitions question above for the differences.  But, well-timed activities can burn carbs and help you get into “Transformation (Fat Burning) Time”, plus they help your fitness and your quality of life, so they can and do play a huge role in helping you reach your weight and fitness goals on EET.

Next up:  A few exercises EET uses with clients to help them succeed.



disclaimer oct 2012

Exercise For Weight Loss : Learn These 5 Keys Or Just Stop. PLEASE!

exercise wasting time

A personal trainer who recommends you stop exercising?  Yep. In fact, I would beg you to stop if you believe you are exercising to lose weight and I felt that you were not applying these 5 keys to EET Exercise as your absolute top priorities.  

Why?  Because your goal is to lose weight and keep it off and if these 5 keys are not your absolute top priorities you wouldn’t be using EET Exercise Timing and you’d be far more likely to gain weight.  So, here they are: 

#5  EET Exercise Timing is much more than exercising at the optimal times or using a certain exercise routine to create a “metabolic window” for maximum fat burning.

I would add It’s absolutely, positively, incredibly not about burning enough calories to create a “caloric deficit” either.   EET Exercise Timing is a complete approach to how you think about and approach a lifetime of exercise.for long-term weight loss, fitness and quality of life.  Clients are strongly encouraged to learn as much they can about EET’s approach to exercise Timing  INSTEAD of exercising if they only have time for one or the other.  

#4  If your goal is to lose weight and become more fit for 50 years, you must be prepared to develop an exercise program that you ENJOY at all times so you can follow your program consistently for 50 years. 

I’m a big believer in the concept, “To get out of a hole you must stop digging first”.  Instead of simply continuing to attend your yoga class or boot camp whenever the scale hits a certain weight you don’t like, when it’s convenient, you’re motivated, or when you think “I’ve got to get back to it”, I would ask you to spend your exercise time very differently.  I would take the same amount of time each week to sit in a chair and work on developing a long-term exercise strategy.

You must understand as part of your new approach you can never justify taking extended time off from exercise for reasons such as being too busy, it’s the holidays, too stressed, not motivated,  burned out, injured, sore or generally hating it.   These must to be eliminated forever if your exercise has any chance of actually helping you reach and maintain long-term weight loss goals.  

Helping you stop digging the hole that exercise is merely a necessary evil for weight loss would be half the battle.  We’d also spend time developing an exercise plan you could LOVE.  We’d cover important aspects of a successful long term plan like “rehearsal training” to be sure your exercise was focused on building functional strength for the things you truly want, need and love to do in your life.   For example, You’d never, ever find yourself doing “planks” for many reasons. Unless, that is for some bizarre reason you love planks.

I’ve found succeeding at this key takes time, diligence and patience to learn instead of time spent “pushing it” or “getting fired up” to stay with your exercise plan.  However, the rewards of adopting this philosophy are so great, they must be experienced to be believed.

in a hole stop digging

 #3  Learn and apply the 2 EET Exercise Timing Must Haves:  

      Must Have #2 – EET’s First Rule of Exericse:  Injury-Free Works for Me

This concept is so powerful that in an EET Timing Diet full of Guidelines,  I feel it’s worthy of being called a RULE.  If I’m depending on exercise to achieve weight loss, it’s clear that exercise simply cannot help me reach and maintain my weight loss goals if I get injured and can’t exercise. Focusing on EET’s First Rule before, during and after exercise creates a level of consistency with exercise most can’t imagine.  In the old days, a small injury could signal the end of my exercise program.  I remember saying things like, “I would exercise, but my back is out.”  These excuses are a foreign language to me now.  I don’t “just do it” until I get injured. Instead, I keep doing it because I DON’T get injured.   

 #2  Learn and apply the 2 EET Exercise Timing Must Haves:  

      Must Have #1 – End “Yo-yo Exercise” Forever

To simplify, EET’s Guidelne applies here:  “Yo-yo must go!”   This time we’re referring to “yo-yo exercise” rather than yo-yo dieting.  You must find a way to make your exercise plan “automatic” for as long as you’d like to lose weight and keep it off.  This means you never force yourself to do exercise, you simply do your exercise, no questions asked.  For exercise to play a positive role in losing weight and keeping it off, It needs to be a routine part of your life, as consistent and as certain as your as watching tv or eating food, for years and years and years. It would help your quality of life if you would enjoy the process (key #4 above), but that’s not as important as your exercising consistently, indefinitely which is why this is key #2.

I figured this out the hard way:  Decades of on-again off-again lengthy weight workouts and mountain bike rides resulting in 25 lbs of weight gain.   Science confirmed my suspicions when I finally stopped chasing exercising long enough to learn that all plans requiring exercise can’t produce lasting weight loss. [11, 12, 13, 154 from the bibliography of EET’s Book]   Since learning that scientific fact, along with the other keys I’ve lost weight and kept it off for 6 years. Coincidence?

#1  Accept that Eating Timing holds all the keys to your weight loss goals.

Focusing on EATING Timing is, without a doubt, the most important key to EET Exercise Timing. Dieters simply must accept they need to learn to manage their eating timing in a way that will allow them to lose weight and keep it off.  When you take exercise out of the equation, it allows you to focus learning to use EET Timing to develope a positive, healthy relationship with food, and that will take you further towards long-term weight loss than any exercise ever could.  

Bottom Line: Many EETers have lost weight and kept it off without formal exercise.  No EETers have succeeded long-term focusing exercise timing alone.  

While EET Exercise Timing can create amazing lasting fitness and greatly improve your quality of life, EET Eating Timing is the key to long-term weight loss.  Accept that, focus on learning all you can about that, as well as the other 4 keys above, EVEN IF THAT MEANS STOPPING YOUR CURRENT EXERCISE EFFORTS to find the time to learn and you will take a giant step towards your long-term weight loss goals.  

And, one more note. If you can apply these 5 EET Exercise Timing keys consistently for a year or more, then I would be comfortable beginning to discuss how exercise might play a larger role in your weight loss strategy.

disclaimer oct 2012

The Power of Being Nice To Yourself For Weight Loss, Fitness & Marathons w/Only 5 Training Runs

marathon_dilly_bar 2010 If you’re serious about accomplishing your weight loss and fitness goals, be nice to yourself – keep your effort PAIN-FREE.

NOTE: Explaining how I ran the 26 Mile Napa Marathon with only 5 training runs offers a clear example of the power of Being Nice To Yourself for weight loss and fitness, so hear me out even if you hate running because that’s not what this post is about.  

Being nice to myself has been my secret to success for over 5 years, and at age 51, I’ve maintained a weight and fitness level beyond my original goals.  I don’t feel guilty about any food choice.  I allow myself to stress eat, and only exercise when I want to.  If I need a huge portion, then that’s exactly what I eat.  See?  I’m really nice to myself!   I’ve helped lots of other folks learn how to be nice to themselves, too.  Many have achieved astounding weight loss and fitness results this way that have lasted for years.  

But, for too many dieters, after years of “experts” insisting they must suffer and starve forever to achieve lasting weight loss and fitness, they simply can’t stop being hard on themselves.  That approach doesn’t work.  They could use a reminder to be nice to themselves using EET’s Pain-Free Guidelines and that’s why EET has a new book.  The Guidelines offer helpful, positive thoughts that are there to encourage long-term success in any eating or exercise situation. 

marathon photo racing

BE NICE EXAMPLE:  How I Ran A Marathon in 5 Training Runs 

I’m sure you’re skeptical, so let’s start with a nice, clear example:  The picture at the top of this post shows me eating a Dairy Queen Dilly Bar right after successfully finishing the 2010 Napa Marathon.  Even though you never need to run a single step to reach your weight loss and fitness goals with EET, you still might find my marathon training approach interesting. Let’s start with the fact I hadn’t done any road running in over 10 years.  The only running I did to prepare for the marathon was a total of five runs over 6 weeks.  In fact, I blogged it all in real time:

Napa Marathon Completed w/only 5 Training Runs 

 Other than that, I just stayed with my normal 5-30 minutes EET Workouts.  I made absolutely no dietary changes whatsoever.  In fact, here’s a pic of me the day before the marathon, having my pre-race maple custard donut: from old iphone 141

Maple custard at the Royal Sweet Bakery — NICE!!

Instead of a strict diet and a miserable 6 months of painful training, my success at running a marathon was based entirely on one simple Pain-Free Guideline:

Uphill is recovery.  Roll downhill.  Glide on level.

That sounds like a pleasant way to run, don’t you think?  Focusing on this Guideline reminded me throughout the race how to handle each type of terrain.   No reminders to “push it” or “suck it up”, just NICE thoughts.  My results?  I ran the entire 26 miles without stopping in just over four hours.  I finished injury-free and recovered quickly.  I went back to my normal exercise routine just two days later.  Here’s the video to prove it.   That’s the power of being nice!

More importantly, four years of being nice later, I still don’t run but I’m still fit enough that I could do it all again.  I won’t though, because I hate road running. 

Not impressed?  I’m an ex-jock or some sort of genetic freak, right?   Since 2010, I’ve taught the same Pain Free approach to 10 EET clients (mostly women, including two doctors, read their stories at www.eetfit.com), some of whom weren’t exercising at all when they started, and every one of them has completed a half-marathon (one FULL marathon and one 10k) in under 10 training runs.   EET’s Pain-Free Guidelines for running races has a 100% SUCCESS RATE — NICE!

hole stop digging 

First Step In Getting Out Of A Hole:  Stop Digging!

If EET’s Guidelines can make running for hours pain-free, just imagine what being nice about what foods you get to enjoy, and how little you are required to exercise (if at all) can be for dieting, or managing your fitness and health (especially your STRESS levels)! 

The concept really is as easy as it sounds, but it does take some new information and a fresh approach.  EET’s Pain-Free Guidelines can provide both. However, the first step to being nice to yourself is learning to stop being hard on yourself.  It’s important for lasting results to stop beating yourself up mentally, physically and emotionally about your weight or fitness efforts!   If you’re willing to take the time to learn how EET’s Pain-Free Guidelines actually put science on your side, you’ll see how I was able to do it, and help my clients do it, too.   

disclaimer oct 2012

Mr. EET Age 50 Fitness Challenge: Can Crossfit, 4 Hour Body, Trainers, YOU Compete? New Pinterest Board Too!

After 5 years on The EET Fitness Plan, how many push ups can Mr. EET, age 50, do?  Sit Ups?  Bench Press Max?  Half Marathon Time?  Donuts in one sitting?  Find out these and many more here! (click to enlarge slides)

Mr. EET’s 50 for 50 Fitness Challenge and New Pinterest Board

EET takes great pride in producing amazing FUNCTIONAL FITNESS in an incredibly short time exercising.  So, as I turn 50 in January, I decided it would be a great challenge to try “50 for 50” the EET way — pick 50 exercises or activities and see if I could match or improve on the benchmarks I’ve maintained.  

The KEY to the EET way for this challenge is I AM NOT CHANGING MY CURRENT EET 10-30 minute/day EXERCISE PROGRAM, and I sure as hell won’t change my diet!   I will simply test my abilities on 50 different challenges that EET has more than prepared me to handle with no additional training along with plenty of ice cream, donuts and all the other great foods I eat regularly.

Below is some background on my history with  EET  along with the first 16 of the “50 for 50” benchmarks.  Many more challenges and updates to come!  Check them out and decide for yourself if EET has produced a complete level of fitness for 5 YEARS for this 50 year old — then see below for the more important part of the challenge – Mr. EET’s new 2012 Food Pic Pinterest Board!  (click to enlarge all slides)

Mr. EET takes no supplements for fitness , unless you consider donuts a supplement.  They do seem to give me lots of energy!!  Oh yeah, I never stretch either — shame on me! 🙂

For details of each of these exercises see the descriptions below.  I just did the push up and sit up test in the last 2 days — think I can do better.   Can’t imagine improving half or full marathon benchmarks — because I have absolutely no plans to run either any time soon – but I could!!

The EET’s 2012 Menu Pinterest Board  CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!

Check out Mr. EET’s world of “clean EETing” that powers my fitness efforts on our new EET’s 2012 Pinterest Board!   The first batch is just part of Jan/Feb – MUCH more to come!

Anyone who knows me knows I am far more focused on how much great food I can eat than fitness accomplishments.  I’m like one of Pavlov’s dogs, I am simply willing to “perform” at the right times for my treats! 

Anyhow, Pinterest is now a great new tool for EET and me — I can share PICS of the amazing foods that Mrs. EET and I enjoy every week of the year!

Click HERE to check out the first batch of highlights of the EET’s have enjoyed in 2012.  Love to see what other fitness expert’s menus would look like–pretty sure I have an idea….  But that’s what so great about EET — we defy the experts and reach our weight loss and fitness goals loving food all along the way!

Be sure to keep checking back cuz there’s 100’s or even 1000’s more to see!

NO EET WEBINAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT  — Check for updates as we’re working on a new schedule for next few weeks starting with the webinar above about what the EET’s EET (way more fun than silly exercise benchmarks!!) that you won’t want to miss!!.

How To Exercise (OR NOT) For Weight Loss, Fitness & Quality of Life Playing By EET Rules

EET Fitness has some very unique views on Exercise for weight loss, fitness and quality of life including NOT EXERCISING! 

Here’s some of  what we’re gonna cover at EET’s Wednesday Webinar 6:15 PM PST

1)  How does EET’s Rule that all Exercise MUST be injury free increase your chances of long term success astronomically?

2)  When does EET feel exercise is not a big deal for weight loss success?

3)  When does EET feel exercise is KEY to weight loss success?

4) EET says don’t even THINK about how many calories you burn exercising??  (Yep.  Instead, we’ll tell you some much better thoughts!) 🙂

5)  What should you do if you absolutely HATE exercise  (EET has 4 CLEAR options you get to pick from every time)

6)  What happens if you break EET’s rule and get injured exercising?

Plus much much more — Join us and become a MUCH better (and happier) negotiEETer playing by EET’s Rules!




Once again, EET’s focus on practical ideas you can use NOW paid off with this webinar as we got 2 updates within 1 day saying how they used the ideas in this webinar successfully!  Hopefully it will be a lot more than that over time. 

Check it out HERE — the first 15 minutes will tell you the keys–then you can watch the rest when you have time.